четверг, 28 мая 2015 г.

Пара полезных фраз и выражений:

Пара полезных фраз и выражений:

Go by - идти, проходить (pass)
Time has certainly gone by quickly this year.

Time flies - время летит (time passes quickly)
Time flies when you are having fun.

Part ways - расставаться (separate from someone)
I'm going to miss you when we part ways at the end of the month.

Choked up - расстроенный (upset)
She was choked up when she got fired from her job for no reason.

Hold back the tears - удерживать слезы (control/stop one's tears)
The little girl couldn't hold back the tears when she scraped her knee.

Take one's place - заменить кого-то (replace someone)
I can't go to the concert with them, so my friend is going to take my place.

Compatible - одинаково мыслящие, хорошо понимающие/подходящие (like-minded, well-suited)
I think they make a very nice couple. They are very compatible.

Like it or lump it - нравится или нет, но это нужно принять (something must be accepted, like it or nor)
Like it or lump it, you have to help me paint the house today.

By leaps and bounds - очень сильно/много ( a lot, very much)
My English has improved by leaps and bounds since I started to study hard.

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